Achievements in Walsall since the project started in 2002 include:
- A reduction in road traffic acceidents. The total number and severity of road traffic accidents (RTAs) has fallen between 2001 and 2004. The number of road traffic accidents has also fallen from 914 in 2001 to 714 in 2004, a 22% reduction.
The severity of the accidents has also lessened. There have been 30% fewer fatal accidents, 21% fewer serious accidents and 22% fewer slight accidents. The percentage decline in fatal accidents may be of particular significance given the aims of the CIP to reduce the severity of RTAs.
- A fall in nighttime burglaries. There was a 36% fall in the number of night time household burglaries after the start of the Core Investment Programme in April 2002.
- The removal of 18,211 ageing street lighting columns two years ahead of schedule.
- Standardisation of lighting levels and equipment across the borough.